BCID is the only industry-led, interoperable, standards-based Rich Call Data (RCD) ecosystem engineered to be secure-by-design and to deliver trusted, branded calls nationwide for enterprise businesses.
Phone: 202-736-3880
Email: info@brandedcallingid.com

With a history in SS7 signaling & interaction with core networks in high TPS environments, GBSD provides exclusive fraud management platforms. STIR SHAKEN services include STI-CA, AS/VS, & CVT.
Phone: +1 817-776-6384
Email: sti-ca@1routegroup.com

Martini Security
Martini Security offers a complete suite of software and services to enable you to become STIR/SHAKEN compliant in hours not months. Our singular focus is to return trust in phone calls by making the deployment and management of STIR/SHAKEN simple and reliable. From simple automated onboarding, and fully automatic certificate lifecycle management using the industry-leading ACME protocol to free and open source signing and verification software, we have everything you need.
Phone: +1 855-445-STIR(7847)
Email: info@martinisecurity.com

Metaswitch QCall
Metaswitch QCall is the first vendor-delivered implementation of STIR/SHAKEN to a US Tier 1 service provider. QCall in Call Guardian Authentication Hub provides a complete scalable, in-network and hosted robocalling solution. Metaswitch is a Microsoft company.
Phone: +1 415-513-1500
Email: sti-ca@metaswitch.com

netnumber Global Data Services
netnumber offers a broad set of solutions that solve complex ecosystem challenges and reduce both costs and operational complexity for its customers. netnumber's solutions are designed to support a service provider's day to day operations – providing the data that drives their routing, rating, billing, authentication, and fraud prevention initiatives. Guaranteed Caller® is our comprehensive family of STIR/SHAKEN services.
Phone: +1 302-275-0563
Email: sales@netnumber.com

Neustar Certification Authority services, available via our leading Certified Caller STIR/SHAKEN service provider solution. We are a pioneer in call authentication, co-author of STIR standards, contributor to SHAKEN framework & exclusive host of ATIS Robocalling Testbed.
Phone: +1 855-898-0036
Email: callerid@team.neustar

Peering Hub
Peeringhub.io is a low latency and highly available cloud-based CRM platform for service providers to manage and sell Phone Number Inventory. Our solution is fully compliant with STIR/SHAKEN and deployed with geographically redundancy using both AWS and Google Cloud.
Phone: +1 484-424-9683
Email: ca@peeringhub.io

Ribbon Communications
Ribbon offers real-time identity assurance services as part of its Ribbon Call Trust® portfolio. This includes a complete solution for STIR/SHAKEN (STI-CA, STI-AS/VS, STI-CR, & CVT) available as a cloud-hosted service or deployable on-premises and Reputation Scoring, a cloud-hosted robocall mitigation service. Together these services help service providers restore their customer’s trust in the phone call.
Phone: +1 866-949-7226
Email: Rbbn_InsideSales@rbbn.com

Sansay, Inc.
Sansay offers the highest performance STIR/SHAKEN solutions complete with Certificate Authority and Database. Free evaluations for Service Providers with or without Sansay SBC's can be deployed in 2 hours or less. STIR/SHAKEN is included for Sansay SBC maintenance customers.
Phone: +1 858-754-2200
Email: sales@sansay.com

TransNexus provides a complete STIR/SHAKEN solution (STI-CA, STI-CR, STI-AS/STI-VS, STI-CPS, and CVT) available in the cloud or on-premises. Certificates with validities from 1 to 365 days are available via a web portal or REST API. Out-of-Band SHAKEN support is included.
Phone: +1 404-526-6060
Email: ca@transnexus.com

The Telonium Certificate Authority service is designed for small to mid-size telecommunication service providers to comply with STIR/SHAKEN while reducing the costs associated with the compliance. With proven technology and low-latency infrastructure, Telonium is offering an end-to-end solution, from certificate issuance to real-time call authentication (STI-AS) and verification (STI-VS) services.
Phone: 404-973-2400
Email: sti-ca@telonium.com